In our resources section you will find valuable information to help you find the answers to your training questions.
You will find information on mandatory training requirements; federal policies that guide your training; and other training and development opportunities that are available to you through the government and private organizations.
Note: The External Development Programs And Leadership Reading List sections available to NIH only.
NIH Manual Chapter: 2300-410-2, Managing Mandatory Training for NIH Employees - The Manual Chapter outlines procedures and responsibilities for mandating or revising a required course that impacts a cross-section of the NIH community beyond one IC. It was developed by the Mandatory Training Committee, representing stakeholders across the NIH scientific and administrative disciplines. The Manual Chapter was approved by Colleen Barros in May 2009.
Federal Register (FR), Vol. 74, No. 236, dated December 10th 2009 - Final Rule for 5 CFR 410 and 412, Training, Supervisory, Managerial, and Executive Development and CHCO memo on Final Regulations on Training, Supervisory, Managerial and Executive Development (1/14/2010) The FR, Vol. 74, No. 236 outlines the specific amendments to Title 5, CFR Parts 410 and 412, which require mandatory training for supervisors.
Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 410 - Part 410 of 5 CFR is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register on training. Part 410 represents the general and specific requirements for training in Government agencies.
Title 5, United States Code, Chapter 41, Training - Chapter 41 of Title 5, US Code, codifies the provisions of the Government Employees Training Act (GETA).
Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 412 - Part 412 of 5 CFR is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register on training. Part 412 of 5 CFR addresses developing executives, managers, and supervisors in the Government.
Training Policy Handbook: Authorities and Guidelines - This OPM handbook covers the essential legal information needed for human resource development professionals and managers to make decisions on the management and implementation of training programs for agency personnel. The information presented is general in nature and must be interpreted within the context of individual agency policies and circumstances.
Human Resource Development Flexibilities - OPM guidance on ways to support Title 5 employees' training and development with examples of flexibilities in current Federal training law and regulations.
Executive Order No. 11348 (1967) - This E.O. provides agency heads and OPM with additional information on how GETA is to be carried out. It was amended by Executive Order No. 12107 (1978). The order emphasizes the importance of using effective interagency training programs to meet common needs across Government and requires that employees be selected equitably for training.
Executive Order No. 13111 (1999) - This E.O. establishes the President's Task Force on Federal Training Technology, directs Federal agencies to take certain steps to enhance employees' training opportunities through the use of technology, and creates an Advisory Committee on Expanding Training Opportunities.
EEOC Notice No. 915.022 - Guidance on "New Age" Training Programs which Conflict with Employees' Religious Beliefs.